
This category’s posts provide rationale relating to my transparency and that of the mission, as well as promoting authenticity as a way to present oneself, as opposed to disenginuity and the use of “intellectual dishonesty” when interacting with others.

Counting Carnegies

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, is so famous we hear references to the book’s title and author all the time. Many say that this book and the man himself have helped them with personal interactions by bolstering their confidence. To me, this is ironic, as I see this Carnegie –

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“Optimist” Prime

I created Make More Monie because I believe that there are many who cannot see their own futures clearly. I think that this is due to their being too distracted by the disruptive and destructive drama within their everyday lives and social circles. In addition, there is the chaotic high drama which is being naturally

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Why Bother?

Early on, I went through occasional periods of doubt as to whether or not Make More Monie was a worthy endeavor. In response, I reminded myself that I was doing it for all who never get to see real examples of those that are “making more monie”, and/or in so many different ways. Now that

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