
Make More Monie founder, James Weber, is a firm believer in the tried-and-true trinity of a positive mental attitude, solid work ethic and efficient time management. James “always delivers” when delivering his thoughts in person on how one and all can benefit from his message and by applying these and a few other basic principles to their own lives, in an effort to improve them.

Always upholding a commitment to transparency, Make More Monie mentees will be presented live a crystal clear, captivating and compelling summary of many hard-fought lessons learned, in aid of providing them a pragmatic path to ‘fun’ancial freedom, via professional and personal fulfillment.

Through these pro bono and quid pro quo speaking engagements, Make More Monie attendees will be conveyed a realistic and optimistic message, without hyperbolic language and exaggerated gestures. Rather, James’ engaging sessions boast authenticity and sincerity, yielding inspiration and revelation for those who “get the message”, generating a positive future for those who heed his calls to action, by simply taking action.

For appearance bookings, please contact James via the Make More Monie contact page.