Every day, in every city, there are numerous events, where the masses congregate to hear the word being spread from on high, in anticipation of being given the keys to the kingdom. Now I’m not talking about church, but I couldn’t blame you for thinking I am, and really, there’s not much difference between these “gatherings of the flock” and those taking place every Sunday at your local place of worship.
I’m talking about the ~$2 billion motivational speaking market and events featuring professional speakers that promise to improve those present mentally, financially and spiritually (and sometimes all three for the price of one!), all packaged up and bestowed upon all in a one-of-a-kind, over-the-top, orgy of inspiration.
And similar to church, the faithful gather in anticipation of being presented these secrets to success by smooth speakers with a message, a mantra, or a turn of phrase that will, upon their fully and completely adopting it, make their dreams come true.
They are so keen to hear these words of wisdom from above – literally and figuratively – that they gladly pay their hard-earned money for this privilege, and are doubly certain they are on the precipice of greatness when they see their hero in the flesh or up on the big screen, with their impossibly white teeth and winning smile, in their designer suits sporting luxury watches. The illusion has become reality!
The speaker looks almost as impressive in the flesh as they do in every staged, photo-shopped image and carefully crafted social media post their followers consume. They have mastered the delivery of a step-by-step methodology gleaned from their “arduous” journeys and their “hard-fought-and-won” life lessons learned, all containing core promises, action steps and heart stories. I know this as not long ago, I, like many others, was a believer in these events, but rather than finding a way to realize my potential, I realized a pattern to their patter and that their presentations were a little more canned than candid.
Now, when I say this, I’m not trying to throw shade or cast aspersions on professional speakers who have painstakingly and meticulously packaged up their introductions, their proof of expertise, their support stories and their calls to action. What I am doing is ensuring you understand that they also have had their legal representatives proof-read their contracts, their contract riders and their fee schedules, long before (almost) telling you how you can succeed, and that you are paying them for the privilege by attending.
In differentiating ourselves from those we reference above, in many of our posts, Make More Monie provides real world examples of those that have actually “made more monie”, and we bring content from those same individuals explaining exactly how they did it, not how you only need to ‘want”, “will” or “wish” it all into reality. After all, the real world is the place in which one actually lives, and either celebrates their proactive efforts, or deals with the consequences of those efforts not taken.
Note: When you have made the conscious decision to really succeed, Make More Monie will endeavor to provide you with plenty of real-world examples of individuals that have “made more monie”, and who are happy to share exactly how they did it. No throbbing music, no pounding of chests and no primal screaming. Only top-of-the-line ‘fun’ancial mentorship with bottom-line results!
Disclaimer: The information contained herein should not be construed or considered professional advice. Nonetheless, thanks for reading! If it resonates, there’s “plenty more where that came from” on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, X ‘n’ YouTube.