Combustion is the basic chemical process of releasing energy from a fuel and air mixture. In an internal combustion engine, the ignition and combustion of the fuel occurs within the engine itself. This process has been harnessed and used quite successfully by humankind to “make more monie”.
Just as we have gotten ahead by exploiting internal combustion, success – whether it is coming as a result of carefully laid plans from the beginning of one’s educational/working life, or from turning one’s failing life around just in the nick of time – is just as surely a result of internal – not external – motivation.
Now what I’m referring to shouldn’t be confused with either intrinsic motivation, which does come from within, or even extrinsic motivation which arises from “without” or outside, but nevertheless also indeed comes from within. In other words, when one is intrinsically motivated to do something, it is done because they enjoy it and not for, say, monetary reward. When one is extrinsically motivated to do something, it is done for an external reward, such as a paycheck, and a paycheck only.
Nevertheless, all the above is what I refer to when I’m speaking about internal motivation. Regardless of the reward, whether it be personal growth or professional gain, the benefits of both are synergistic. For example, let’s take the gym, where I spend a good amount of time almost daily in exchange for any number of intrinsic rewards. As this activity helps maintain my mental and physical peak, it almost surely extends my lifespan, which extends the amount of time I can spend in “making more monie” pursuits
This is also why those among us, those that have found something that they are good at, that the world needs, that for which they can be paid for, and that which they enjoy doing, are very fortunate indeed.
Make no mistake though, motivation in itself isn’t nearly enough to succeed if you lack the knowledge, skills or other support that will be required to reach your goals, not to mention willpower, strength and determination. These are just as important as motivation, and in actuality, likely even more, as many that are supremely skilled will easily outperform those that may desperately want to win but have none.
Having said that, in the rarest of occasions, when someone has all their plans sequentially laid out but is still faltering, it is possible for inspiration from others to carry them through. Like in the case of a corner who gives a rousing pep talk before the final round of a boxing match not going well, his fighter may get the victory, but in both cases a significant foundation for success has already been laid.
To be successful in whatever you pursue, you must understand that it is up to you, and really, only you. Of course, if all goes well, you will need assistance from an administrative staff, not to mention quality assurance, research and development and marketing departments. You’ll eventually need professional consultants to deal with financial statements, intellectual property trademarking and other business advice. What these people do not do, though, is push, prod and cheer you across the finish line.
Only we can decide what we really want to do with our lives and only we can make it happen. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can stop faking it and start really making it, without relying on others to actuate, motivate and stimulate us. This is never more true than when applied to motivational speakers.
In fact, the next time you want to feel a rush of inspiration, go ahead and read a good book or watch a great movie rather than buying whatever they’re selling. It’s just as effective, and costs a lot less!
When you have made the conscious decision to really succeed, Make More Monie will endeavor to provide you with plenty of real-world examples of individuals that have “made more monie”, and who are happy to share exactly how they did it. No throbbing music, no pounding of chests and no primal screaming. Only top-of-the-line ‘fun’ancial mentorship with bottom-line results.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein should not be construed or considered professional advice. Nonetheless, thanks for reading! If it resonates, there’s “plenty more where that came from” on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube ‘n’ Twitter.